In the last decade, the buzz around cryptocurrency has become fever pitched. More and more people are looking to invest in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, in hopes of making it rich. While the buzz and hype surrounding cryptocurrency doesn’t seem like it is going to die down anytime soon, the underlying foundation of Bitcoin, is starting to take center stage. If you’re like a majority of the population, you probably have a lot of questions about blockchain technology and the hype surrounding the emerging technology.Here’s what you’ll discover with this powerful guide:
- The history behind blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, and money.
- Learn the blockchain basics and how the technology works.
- Discover the business of blockchain and what industries will benefit from using the technology.
- Learn about proof of work versus proof of stake and which one is better when it comes to blockchain technology.
- Discover all the benefits of blockchain technology and how it will change the future of the Internet and life as we know it.
- Gain insights into the risks and challenges that blockchain technology presents and discover major hurdles for it becoming mainstream.
- Discover whether or not blockchain technology is right for you and your business.
- Uncover blockchain implementation mistakes and how you can avoid making them.
+ video courseThe key to fully understanding blockchain technology and deciding if it is something that you should invest in, is diving in and doing the research.With this video course you’ll learn blockchain basics and see how it is changing the face and future of the Internet.Topics covered:
- 3 Important Things You Should Know About Cryptocurrency
- 4 Key Areas for Developing Blockchain Platforms
- 4 Things You Should Know Before Investing in Cryptocurrency
- 5 Cryptocurrency Investment Tips That You Should Know
- Easy Tips for Getting Started in Cryptocurrency Trading
- How to Use Blockchain Technology
- The Top Things to Avoid with Cryptocurrency Investing
- Top 4 Tips tp Start Trading Cryptocurrencies
- Top Investment Tips for Trading in Cryptocurrency
- Understanding 3 Different Types of Blockchain Technology
In Deel 2 gaan we in op de bitcoin training.
Bekijk de Engelse video’s met Nederlandse ondertiteling.
- Bitcoins Stormloop video 1: Wat zijn Bitcoin en cryptocurrencies?
- Bitcoins Stormloop video 2: Hoe werkt Bitcoin?
- Bitcoins Stormloop video 3: De achtergrond van Bitcoin
- Bitcoins Stormloop video 4: Manieren om geld te verdienen met Bitcoin en andere cryptocurrencies
- Bitcoins Stormloop video 5: Je eerste Bitcoin portemonnee
- Bitcoins Stormloop video 6: Eenvoudig leren mijnen
- Bitcoins Stormloop video 7: Mijnbouw van digitale valuta – deel 1
- Bitcoins Stormloop video 8: Mijnbouw van digitale valuta – deel 2
- Bitcoins Stormloop video 9: Handelen in Bitcoin en andere cryptocurrencies
- Bitcoins Stormloop video 10: Accepteren van Bitcoins
- Bitcoins Stormloop video 11: Verkrijgen van gratis Bitcoins
- Bitcoins Stormloop video 12: Snel Start Game plan
- Ripple – na Bitcoin de bekenste crypto munt
- Bitcoin Secrets 10 videos and ebook