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Kracht van bewust leven



Kracht van bewust leven

5 video’s (duur 30 minuten)

  • (1) Neem geen genoegen; leef bewust
  • (2) Hoe bewust leven helpt gevechten te winnen
  • (3) Gezondheidsvoordelen van leven met intentie
  • (4) Effectieve manieren om bewuste keuzes te maken
  • (5) Dingen wegdoen die niet bij je waarden passen

Bonus (Engels)

15 articles

Here is What’s Inside ‘The Power of Intentional Living’ Package:

 10 Success Habits To Put In Action (640 Words)

 Focus And Get Results (841 Words)

 Dare To Dream And Achieve It! (908 Words)

 Embrace Your Future (806 Words)

 Reach Out For Your Success (1001 Words)

 The Power Of Self Discipline (611 Words)

 Finishing Strong (914 Words)

 Aim For Your Right Mountain (874 Words)

 Your Past Does Not Define Your Future (968 Words)

 Actions That Cost You Friendships (828 Words)

 Bring Your Vision To Life By Acting On Your Goals (833 Words)

 How To Do Things Cheerfully In A Grumpy World (622 Words)

 Going The Distance With Teamwork (744 Words)

 The Power Of Taking Breaks (936 Words)

 The Planned Neglect Philosophy (883 Words)

With – Ebook.




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